(1) Interest (2) Investment
(3) Country (4) Money
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
3. 18 : 30 : : 36 : ?
(1) 64
(2) 66
(3) 54
(4) 62
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
Find odd :-
4- (1) Sky —
Stars (2) Moon —
(3) Stadium — Players (4) University — Students
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
5- (1) BFJQ (2) RUZG
(3) GJOV (4) ILQX
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
6- (1)
Plant-Flower (2) Chair-Sofa
(3) Face-Eye (4) Tree-Stem
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
7- (1) 12-96 (2) 13-117
(3) 15-120 (4) 16-128
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
8- (1) AJKL (2) IBCD
(3) ORQP (4) UFGH
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
9- From the given
alternatives, select the set which is most like the given set = (4,
10, 15)
(1) (3, 6, 12) (2) (2, 8, 10)
(3) (5, 12, 18) (4) (7, 10, 18)
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
10- From among the
given alternatives, select the one In
which the set of numbers is most like the set of Numbers given in the question.
Given set (6, 36, 63)
(1) 7, 49, 98 (2) 8, 64, 46
(3) 9, 84, 45 (4) 11, 111, 84
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
Put on meaningful
order of the following?
11- 1. Fruit 2. Flower
3. Seed 4.
Pollination 5. Bud
(1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (2) 4, 2, 5, 3, 1
(3) 5, 2, 4, 3, 1 (4) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3
Ans- 4
(For explanation watch video)
12- 1. Infant 2. Old
3. Adult 4.
Adolescent 5. Child
(1) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (2) 3, 4, 2, 1, 5
(3) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2 (4) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
In each of the following
A series is given with
one term missing. Choose the correct Alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
13- DIB, HMF, LQJ, ?
(1) OTM (2) QVO
(3) PVO (4) PUN
Ans- 4
(For explanation watch video)
14- WYV, ?, IKH, BDA
(1) OPR (2) ROP
(3) PRO (4) OQN
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
15- 3, 15, ?, 63, 99, 143
(1) 27 (2) 45
(3) 35 (4) 56
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
16- Which one set of
letters when sequentially placed at
the gaps in the given letter series shall complete
a — n — b —
— ncb — — ncb
(1) bcabab (2) bacbab
(3) abcbcb (4) abbbcc
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
17- In a certain
language, BUTTER is coded as CVUUFS, BREAD is coded as CSFBE, then how COFFEE is
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
18- In a coding system
PEN is written as NZO and BARK as
CTSL. How can we write PRANK in that coding system ?
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
19- If BROTHER is
coded as 2456784. SISTER is coded as
919684, what is the code for ROBBERS ?
(1) 18, 15, 22, 5, 18, 19
(2) 4562 684
(3) 9245 784 (4) 4522849
Ans- 4
(For explanation watch video)
20- If in a code
language “ORGANISATION” is written as “CBDWLQJWYQCL” and “OPERATION” is written as “CXFBWYQCL”, how is “SEPARATION” coded?
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
21- B is D’s mother
and C is D’s brother. H is E’s daughter whose wife is D. How are E and C related ?
(1) Father-in-law (2) Brother-in-law
(3) Uncle (4) Brother
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
22- E is the sister of
B. A is the father of C. B is the son of C. How is A related to E ?
(1) Grandfather (2) Granddaughter
(3) Father (4) Great-Grandfather
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
23- A is B’s brother.
C is D’s father. E is B’s mother. A and
D are brothers. How is E related to C?
(1) Sister (2) Sister-in-law
(3) Niece (4) Wife
Ans- 4
(For explanation watch video)
24- If ‘+’ stands for
multiplication, ‘×’ stands for division, ‘–’ stands for addition and ‘÷’ stands for subtraction, what would the following equation stand for?
20 – 8 × 4 ÷ 3 + 2 = ?
(1) 41 (2) 19
(3) 16 (4) 18
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
25- Neha walks from A
to B which is 2 km. away, turns
right at 90° and walks for 3 km. to point C, turns right at 90° and walks to D which is 8 km. away, turns 90° right and goes 3 km. to point
Then, once again she
turns right, 90° and walks 4 km.
to point F. How far is it from A to F ?
(1) 2
km. (2) 4 km.
(3) 6
km. (4) 8 km.
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
26- Rajiv starts from
point A and walks 1 km towards south,
turns left and walks 1 km. Then he turns
left again and walks 1
km. Now he is facing
(1) East (2) West
(3) North (4) South-west
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
27- Rahul started from
point X and travelled forward 8 km
up to point Y, then turned towards right and travelled 5 km up to point Z. then turned right and travelled 7 km up to point A and then turned
towards right and travelled 5 km
up to B. What is the distance
between point B and X ?
(1) 1
km (2) 2 km
(3) 3
km (4) 4 km
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
28- If 9th of the
month falls on the day preceding Sunday, on what day will 1st of the month fall ?
(1) Friday (2) Saturday
(3) Sunday (4) Monday
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
29- Raj reached a
place on Friday. He came to know that
he was three days earlier than the scheduled day. If he had reached there on the following Sunday, how many days late/early he would have been ?
(1) One day
earlier (2) One day late
(3) Two days late (4) Two days earlier
Ans- 1
(For explanation watch video)
30- If day before
yesterday was Friday, what will be the
third day after the
day – after – tomorrow ?
(1) Thursday (2) Friday
(3) Saturday (4) Sunday
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
31- Which diagram represents the relationship among female, mothers and

Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
32- Which number is common in the square, ellipse and triangle?
(1) 1 (2)
(3) 6 (4)
Ans- 4
(For explanation watch video)
33- How many triangles are there in the given figure?
(3) 20 (4)
Ans- 4
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34- A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre,
and A and P are at the ends. R is sitting on the left of A. Then who is on the
right of P ?
(1) A (2) X
(3) S (4) Z
Ans- 2
(For explanation watch video)
35- A is older than B but younger
than C. D is younger than E but older than A. If C is younger than D, who is
the oldest of all?
(1) A (2)
Ans- 4
(For explanation watch video)
36- Two positions of a dice are shown below : When ‘2’ is at the bottom, what number will be at the top ?
(1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 1 (4) 6
Ans- 3
(For explanation watch video)
37- Two positions of a dice are shown below. When number ‘one’ is on the
top, what number will be at the bottom?
38- Two positions of a dice are shown below: When the heart shape is at
the top, what will
be at the bottom ?
Select the missing number
1) 3 (2) 6
(3) 5 (4) 4
Ans- 3
41-The question figure given below may be turned in any direction, but
not be picked up and turned over. Find out the correct figure which could be
formed by rotating the question figure.
Ans- 1
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